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Whether you’re interested in being a member of a committee, helping with worship, or somewhere in between, Bethesda invites you to search your own time and talents to find the area that’s right for you!

Church Council

An opportunity to serve and guide the church in all we do; also makes executive and personnel decisions

Social Justice Committee

Focuses on activities that support our community locally and in the world; examples include Fargo-Moorhead PRIDE, blood drives, and quilting and prayer shawl ministries

Music & Worship Committee

Provides guidance for weekly worship services; often volunteers for ushering, altar guild, and as assisting ministers and readers; currently seeking volunteers for online worship needs


Currently seeking volunteers to coordinate funeral needs at Bethesda (communicating with the family and finding volunteers to bring desserts)

Property Committee

Work includes lawn mowing, snow removal, gardening, painting and miscellaneous projects around the building and grounds

Parish Life Committee

Leads church events for our members of all ages; examples include potlucks, movie nights, and holiday events

​Monthly opportunity

Currently seeking volunteers to change light bulbs in the church on a monthly basis

Picture directory

Currently seeking volunteers in all areas of organization, communication, graphic design and photography

​Stewardship Committee

Goal is to guide church members in financial giving, volunteering, and being active in our faith and the life of the church

Christian Education Committee

Guides the areas of Generations in Faith Together (GiFT), confirmation for youth, first communion, and Vacation Bible School; also leads book clubs and weekly bible studies

Fall clean-up

Currently seeking volunteers to clean outdoor garden and flower areas

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